Resilient Rhythms Journal


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A journal that anchors followers of Jesus in their love for God & grows them in love for others by cultivating grace-filled rhythms.

Each journal lasts for a period of three months.

Our Resilient Rhythms Journals are 160 page, hard-cover, A5 journals that are printed in Sydney, Australia through a company committed to carbon neutral printing.

About the Journal

The Resilient Rhythms Journal isn’t the result of years of careful planning, instead it’s the culmination of years spent seeking to integrate my faith into every aspect of my life—and almost as much time looking for a journal to guide that process.

This journal is as much for me as it is for you. I know I need prompting and structure to grow and guide my faith in Christ, while also being firmly rooted in grace and love along the way. That’s why this journal exists. If you’ve been searching for the same thing—then the Resilient Rhythms journal is for you too!

The Resilient Rhythms Journal is for anyone who longs to grow into the likeness of Jesus. It’s for those who desire to have their faith permeate every aspect of their life. It’s for followers of Christ who want to endure every high and low they face with grace-filled spiritual disciplines.

As you use this journal, our prayer is that you form healthy, practical and Christ-focused rhythms that allow you to be intentional about loving God and your neighbour more deeply. It won’t do some of the hard work of following Jesus for you, but our hope is that it will be a guide and friend, a companion of sorts, as you seek to cultivate a life of love and obedience to Christ.

Mitch Everingham

Creator of the Resilient Rhythms Journal